March 18, 2023

Dear Ones,

It is with a heart full of love for each of you that I send this message.

The mission of 2023 was a great gathering of beautiful people coming together to meet more beautiful people in sharing a gift of giving and receiving in the great circle of life. 

As Dr. Alexander Hatsis so eloquently put it at our last dinner together – since not all were there, I would like to share the thought of “What if”.

“What if you had not come”.  There were 1,580 people that came seeking some kind of help, what if there had not been volunteers to register and create a chart to bring them in or make sure all the equipment was set up and working.  What if there had not been a room full of volunteers to help  check their vision, get a pair of eyeglasses to help them see, or a team of Doctors to give them an exam to see if they could be helped with surgery or a procedure,  a team to assess their overall health and give them diabetic, hypertension or dermatological care and meds to last them all year.  What if there was no one that could have given anesthesia, removed a cataract, or straightened a wandering eye to help restore sight in that eye, or remove a tumor, or fix a mispositioned lid or do an orbital surgery to remove a problematic eye and receive a prosthetic that would make them feel and look better. What if the pre-op or post-op care was not there -----

We saw 1,580 patients, there were 352 surgeries, there were 83 volunteers that said “YES, it is that will come”.   I know that you could sense the enormity of what was accomplished in one short week.  There is not a thank you that is good enough to share the feeling of gratitude felt.   May you carry the knowing of your power, wisdom, and your love in your heart as each of you have given your gifts so willingly.

This mission was a gather of wonderful souls – I was not the only one that perceived this!!

May God bless you and your dear ones,

Darlene Della Rocca